Messages from the Incoming and Outgoing Interim Deans of CCS
Message from Outgoing Interim Dean Kathy Foltz

Dear CCS Community,
As many of you are aware (see the Chancellor's announcement to the campus), my time serving as your CCS Interim Dean has come to a close. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your support over the past two years - it has been a true privilege to serve the campus and especially CCS students in this capacity. I also wish to thank Chancellor Henry Yang and Executive Vice Chancellor David Marshall for their support of CCS. The search for a new CCS Dean will continue as our colleague and former Dean, Bruce Tiffney, steps back into the leadership role as Interim Dean. I look forward to continuing to work with all of you. Have a wonderful summer! And see you at the CCS coffee hour next Fall Quarter.
Paljon kiitoksia,
Kathy Foltz
Professor, MCD Biology
College of Creative Studies - Biology
Message from Incoming Interim Dean Bruce Tiffney

Dear CCS Community,
I am deeply honored to have been asked to step in as Interim Dean for the coming year. Kathy Foltz has been a spectacular Interim Dean, and it will be a challenge to match the extraordinary mix of dedication and attention to detail that she brought to her stewardship of our community. I look forward to sharing the upcoming year and achievements with our students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community as we move the peculiarly wonderful institution that is CCS into its next 50 years.
With my best wishes to all,
Bruce Tiffney
Interim Dean, College of Creative Studies