Meet Milo Moses ‘24 (CCS Mathematics)

May 3, 2024

CCS Mathematics student talks the CCS experience, his passion for mathematics, and his acceptance to Caltech

Milo Moses ‘24 (CCS Mathematics)
Milo Moses ‘24 (CCS Mathematics)

For Milo Moses ‘24 (CCS Mathematics), mathematics is more than just a subject — it’s a meditative process. Milo's profound dedication and appreciation for his studies have propelled him from the College of Creative Studies (CCS) to early acceptance at Caltech where he will continue his academic journey. Milo is only the third student in the College's history to have finished in two years. Milo now shares his experience with the College, aiming to inspire others to introspect and embrace their passions. 

College of Creative Studies (CCS): How did you hear about CCS? What inspired you to apply?

Milo Moses (MM): I heard about CCS when CCS Mathematics Faculty Karel Casteels invited me via email. Everything on the website seemed perfect so it was a no-brainer decision. Karel is my advisor now, and has been a champion for me at UCSB.

CCS: What is your major and why are you passionate about it?

MM: I’m a math major. Mathematics plays a special role in my life, so I’m passionate about it for several reasons. The most obvious one is that the act of doing mathematics is deeply meditative and enjoyable. In addition, the process of mathematical study is very rewarding: first, I philosophize about the nature of the world, then I form concrete conjectures which make my philosophy rigorous, and finally, I prove my conjectures. Aside from this, mathematics has granted me amazing life and career opportunities, and it seems like it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

CCS: Is there a particular highlight or memory that has defined your CCS experience?

 “The highlight of my CCS experience has been growth and development. I feel self-actualized, informed, and prepared for my next stages in life. Much of this confidence has come from my interpersonal relationships (often within CCS), as well as my academic journey at the College."

—Milo Moses ‘24 (CCS Mathematics)

MM: The highlight of my CCS experience has been growth and development. I feel self-actualized, informed, and prepared for my next stages in life. Much of this confidence has come from my interpersonal relationships (often within CCS) and my academic journey at the College.

CCS: Congratulations on your recent acceptance into Caltech as a sophomore in undergrad! How did this transpire?

MM: I came into UC Santa Barbara already knowing most of the mathematics covered in a typical undergraduate degree. CCS did an amazing job of meeting me where I was by providing me the support I needed. At my current stage of academic development, it doesn’t make sense for me to be an undergraduate so I am graduating. Caltech is a perfect fit for me because of the focus of its math and physics departments.

CCS: How do you feel CCS prepared you for the next phase of your academic journey?

“CCS prepared me by giving me the freedom to put myself in the right spaces. I’ve been able to take all of the right classes and work with all of the right professors.”

—Milo Moses ‘24 (CCS Mathematics)

MM: CCS prepared me by giving me the freedom to put myself in the right spaces. I’ve been able to take all of the right classes and work with all of the right professors. Without a doubt, this has been the biggest factor.

CCS: Are there any faculty members, staff members, or other CCS community members that have positively impacted your academic or personal growth?

MM: Yes. One huge round of thanks must go to CCS Mathematics Faculty Karel Casteels, my advisor. I knew coming in that CCS was supposed to have good advisors, and Karel certainly did not disappoint. He has been supporting me in my journey since day one. Another extremely impactful faculty member has been L&S Mathematics Faculty Zhenghan Wang. Starting from a place of almost complete ignorance, Professor Wang has made me into a capable and empowered student-researcher. I would also like to thank faculty members Michael Freedman (L&S Mathematics) and Francesc Castella (CCS Mathematics) for teaching me their specialities, as well as CCS Mathematics Faculty Xiaolei Zhao and L&S Mathematics Faculty Fedya Manin for welcoming me into the UCSB community early on.

The CCS staff has also been fantastic. Records Assistant Frank Bauman has always been one of my favorite members. CCS Interim Dean Timothy Sherwood and the CCS Student Affairs team have always been extremely supportive and transparent in my interactions with them.

CCS: What advice would you give to prospective students considering applying to CCS, especially those interested in your major?

MM: I’d recommend students to get introspective. The power of CCS lies in the privilege to decide what to do with your time. If you don’t know what you want, then you won’t be able to make good decisions. Introspect, figure out what you want to do, then do it. 

This article was featured in The Current on June 7, 2024.

CCS congratulates Milo for his acceptance into Caltech, where he will continue his pursuit of knowledge in the realm of Mathematics.