CCS Biology student explores innovative take on existing pathological models of depression
Thanks to Gene Lucas ‘73 (CoE Nuclear Engineering) and Luanne Ruznick (‘81 L&S History) Andreotti, students showcased their painting creations and socialized during the evening festivities
Wes brings his interdisciplinary approach and humanistic spirit to the CCS Commencement on June 9
UCSB undergraduate writers are inspired to pursue writing-related travel opportunities thanks to M. Garren Tinney Memorial Fund
Petersen fondly recalls his days at CCS + shares his life post-UCSB
CCS Receives 70 gifts + 1 on UCSB Give Day, exceeding its 55 goal!
Support CCS Students to Connect and Foster a Sense of Belonging!
Five CCS student awardees, six honorable mentions for renowned fellowship
Total of 5 UCSB students from various disciplines across CCS, L&S, and CoE awarded prestigious scholarship to pursue research in graduate school
CCS Art Faculty Kim Garcia reflects on her first quarter at CCS, her artistic processes, and interdisciplinary goals for the future