Four CCS Physics Students Selected for 2017 Worster Summer Research Fellowship

The College of Creative Studies (CCS) is delighted to share the news that four students from CCS Physics have been selected for 2017 Worster Summer Research Fellowships. James Chow, Aidan Herderschee, Neeraj Kulkarni and Avik Mondal will work with Graduate student mentors over the summer and then each research duo will present their research at the Worster Fellowship Program Symposium in October 2017.
The Worster Summer Research Fellowship supports the development of graduate and undergraduate research in Physics through a mentoring program that pairs an undergraduate with a graduate student mentor during the summer. James will work with Peter Dotti in Professor David Weld’s lab. Aidan has teamed up with Seth Loren in Professor Nathaniel Craig’s lab while Neeraj will work with Souqing Ji in Professor S. Peng Oh’s lab. Finally, Avik will collaborate with Chantal Nquyen in Jean Carlson’s lab.
CCS and the entire campus are grateful to the Worsters for their generous support of research. “The Worster summer research fellowship is an amazing opportunity for our undergraduate students and graduate mentors to do original research as a team, by taking ownership of a project from the proposal stage to presenting the results at the public Worster Symposium,” said Sathya Guruswamy, CCS Physics program co-coordinator. “The program owes its success to the continuing generosity of the Worster family as well as the dedication of the Physics faculty in fostering undergraduate research in their labs.”
Join us in offering a huge congratulation to each of the 2017 Worster fellows.