Meet Bradley Jay Owens (CCS Literature ‘78)

I started writing fiction while taking Marvin Mudrick's fiction class in the late 1970s. The class met once a week (Thursdays, I believe) for three hours. If you had a manuscript you wanted to share, you set a copy on his desk at the front of the room. Dr. Mudrick would read, out loud, as many of the manuscripts as possible, make comments, and direct class discussion.
I was in awe of Dr. Mudrick's knowledge of literature, his wit, his spirit of generosity, and his ability to quickly find a story's flaws and strengths. He talked about the stories in such a way that we could learn something from them – whether they were successful or not (and most were not).
In the late 1980s, I was accepted into Stanford University's Creative Writing Program, where I received my M.A. in English. I then taught undergraduate fiction classes from 1989 to 1992. I was no Dr. Mudrick, but I tried, at least, to find ways to talk about the students' stories in ways that might benefit, not only the writer, but the other students in the class.
My first collection of short fiction – "How I Met You" – has just come out from Brighthorse Books, a small independent press based in Omaha, Nebraska.
My time at CCS allowed me to explore many different interests and fields, to try things out, to test myself. I always knew I wanted to write, but I didn’t know what I didn’t know. CCS was the beginning of my finding out.