CCS Artist-in-Residence in Book Arts Bailey Clark (CCS Art '19) creates Half-a-Dream
Art inspired by the humanistic qualities of objects

Bailey Clark (CCS Art '19) is a book artist and papermaker, currently finishing her 2019-2020 Artist-in-Residency in Book Arts at the College of Creative Studies with mentorship from CCS Faculty Linda Esktrom and UCSB Department of Art Professor Kim Yusada. Created during her residency—Half-a-Dream displayed at the Glass Box show at UCSB—is based on Bailey's study of typography and letterpress printing and her belief in the humanistic qualities of objects. For Linda Ekstrom, "It has been a delight having Bailey as this year's CCS Artist-in-Residence in Book Arts. Bailey has been generous with the students, sharing her expertise and technical skills in so many ways. The students have enjoyed watching her work as it has developed, and they have especially appreciated her presence in the classroom and studios on campus. She has been a wonderful part of our program."
CCS has meant a lot to Bailey: "The College of Creative Studies has allowed me to cultivate my artistic practice by providing the freedom and support to try something out of my comfort zone. I had the opportunity to explore the ways in which discrimination over the course of history was widespread through printed media and created a representation of absence." As a Book Arts student at CCS, Bailey participated in the inaugural Research and Creative Activities Conference on November 4, 2017 during the College's 50th anniversary. Learn more about Bailey's works of art and the origins of Book Arts at UCSB and CCS.