CCS Computing Faculty Jonathan Balkind Leads UC-Wide Open Source Program Project
Grant supports creation of a collaborative network of Open Source Program Offices across UC campuses

The University of California has received a $1.85 million grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to create a network of Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs) across its campuses. CCS Computing and College of Engineering Computer Science Faculty Jonathan Balkind is at the forefront of this initiative.
Balkind, along with Associate University Librarian for Digital Strategies Amber Budden and Director of Research Data Services Greg Janée, will lead UC Santa Barbara’s efforts in this innovative project. The University will use grant funds to establish a postdoctoral position focused on open source landscape analysis and sustainability.
The grant aims to institutionalize OSPOs within the UC system, furthering the missions of research, teaching, and public service. This initiative will strengthen collaboration among UC campuses, highlight the value of OSPOs to UC leadership, and identify sustainable resource and governance structures.
Read more in The Current.
The College congratulates Jonathan on this collaborative initiative and the extensive impact it will have on the UC system.