Join us for a virtual celebration of CCS student success! You are invited to the fourth annual CCS Research & Creative Activities Conference (RACA-CON). RACA-CON brings together CCS and the greater UCSB community to learn about the remarkable work being conducted by our radically curious students across all eight CCS majors (Art, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computing, Mathematics, Music Composition, Physics, and Writing & Literature). At the conference, students will present their research and creative works with talks and posters. This year, RACA-CON will be held in a virtual format. For more information: https://raca-con.ccs.ucsb.edu/
Conference Schedule
1:00PM - 2:30PM YouTube Premiere
Introduction by CCS Dean Gerardo Aldana
Student Talks
2:30PM - Break
3:15PM - 4:15PM Virtual Poster Session on gather.town
Session A - 3:15PM - 3:45PM
Session B - 3:45PM - 4:15PM
RACA-CON is free and open to the public.
Please RSVP by November 19, 2020. Links to the YouTube Premiere and Virtual Poster Session will be sent on Saturday morning to those who RSVP.
For inquiries, contact Christin Palmstrom at christin.palmstrom@ccs.ucsb.edu