CCS Interim Dean Tim Sherwood Expresses Gratitude to Donors for Celebrating Community and Belongingness on UCSB Give Day
CCS Receives 70 gifts + 1 on UCSB Give Day, exceeding its 55 goal!

The College of Creative Studies (CCS) extends its heartfelt thanks to the alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students, and friends for their enthusiastic support in celebrating community and belongingness—a top priority at the College—during UCSB Give Day on April 11, 2024.
The goal for CCS Give Day was 55 gifts, and thanks to a vibrant philanthropic community, CCS not only reached but exceeded this goal with a total of 70 gifts and raised $40,585! CCS is thankful to CCS past parents Milan ‘99 (CoE Electrical Engineering Ph.D.) and Henry Minsky, CCS current parents Geetha and Sreedhar Pampati, and Richard Petersen ‘72 (CCS Physics) for their CCS gift challenges during Give Day! Highlights throughout Give Day included gifts in honor of CCS Interim Dean Timothy Sherwood, past CCS Dean Bruce H. Tiffney, past CCS Interim Dean Kathy Foltz, and Nobel Prize winner Carol Greider ‘83 (CCS Biology). CCS was markedly surprised with a $10,000 anonymous gift at the very start of Give Day, and witnessing the tremendous support in social media throughout UCSB Give Day.

“Thank you to everyone who embraced UCSB Give Day and supported CCS community building and space refresh! Your generosity is very meaningful and has an immediate impact on our students at CCS. It has been amazing to see the generosity throughout our campus over the last 36 hours.”
—Timothy Sherwood, College of Creative Studies (CCS) Interim Dean

In addition to continuing programming focused on building community and belongingness for the students in all nine CCS majors, Interim Dean Timothy Sherwood will use part of the funds from UCSB Give Day to refresh spaces at CCS that embrace community-centric learning and socializing, part of his broader vision for the College.
The outpouring of support on Give Day to CCS was phenomenal. It was topped off by a +1 in-kind gift from Nick Harvey ‘14 (CCS Chemistry & Biochemistry) who generously gifted the College a second redwood conference table and other wood products. Nick spent the day at CCS assembling the new conference room table and gave a talk at a CCS Community Gathering for students, faculty, and staff at Old Little Theater.
The UCSB Give Day culminated in a remarkable total of $6,511,450 raised from 3,537 donor gifts! Thank you to everyone for being a meaningful part of the UCSB community and building on our success across campus for an exciting future.
Visit for more information. Share why you supported UC Santa Barbara on social media with the hashtag #UCSBGiveDay or at #UCSBCCS.
For information on philanthropic support of CCS, including on UCSB Give Day, contact the College’s Director of Development Venilde Jeronimo (