Selena's Cincuentañera with Deborah Paredez and Locatora Radio
Thursday April 15, 2021 4:00pm
Zoom Webinar
CSI hosts Deborah Paredez (Columbia University) in conversation with Diosa and Mala (Locatora Radio) about Selenidad on the eve of Selena's cincuentañera! Paredez's academic book, Selenidad: Selena, Latinos, and the Performance of Memory, was the first academic book to take Selena's memory seriously. Locatora Radio is a popular podcast featuring UCSB alum, Diosa Femme. They've been featured in Forbes.com, the Los Angeles Times and Oprah Magazine. See more about this duo here: https://locatoraradio.com. Register for the event: http:/bit.ly/Selena50