CCS Advising

Please review the handbook for up-to-date information, including many commonly used petitions, an outline of overall degree requirements, rules and regulations and other resources. 

The College of Creative Studies considers our advising system to be an extra-special strength of our program. From the beginning, CCS students benefit from having two kinds of advisors from the moment they set foot on campus. College-level staff advising assist with learning about the college's and the university's resources and systems. We answer questions from prospective students, host Orientation, and advise students about graduation requirements up until the capstone celebration of our annual Commencement ceremony.

Major-specific faculty advisors are involved right away in reading our students' admissions applications, being a key part of our recruitment, and introducing students to the coursework and opportunities available to their specific major. Students are required to meet with their faculty advisors quarterly to check in on their progress in completing major requirements, and also to talk about potential new projects or how to get involved in research at UCSB. 

Accessing the CCS Building

CCS students can access the building using your Access Card. Your individual Access Card will be activated for CCS after you submit this Google Form. If you are not a CCS student, you can request building access only if you are enrolled in a CCS class.

The front doors of the CCS building are unlocked from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Entry to the building between the hours of 7:30 am - 10 pm will only be via the electronic locks on the side entrances and the OLT entrance.

Room schedules are posted near each entrance, be mindful of schedule classes or events when using a room.

With faculty permission or advisement, students can reserve rooms in CCS for clubs and academic-related activities. Email your request to and include the club or event information and the faculty advising/sponsoring.

CCS Advising - Contact Information

Our general availability is M-F between 9-12 and 1-4. For visitors, to book an appointment in advance, please go online to Current CCS students are encouraged to stop by the Advising Office for drop-in questions during the hours listed above.

Scheduling a meeting

If you would like to schedule an appointment (zoom or in-person), please reserve a time through the links listed below. Default appointments are currently 15 minutes. Be sure to include how you would prefer to be contacted for your appointment. If none of the times on Shoreline are convenient for you, please reach out to us via email! 

Shoreline Meeting Schedulers

Nicholas Washington
See Shoreline, or email

Peer Advisors - Amanda, Eva and Lakshmi

Other advising offices on campus:

L&S Advising

CoE Advising

Department Advising 

Click on the department you’re looking for, a link to the department website will be included at the top and can help you find the department's advisor.

Quarterly Advising Meetings and GOLD Blocks

All CCS students are required to meet with their assigned faculty advisor each quarter to discuss their academic programs and to get approval of their proposed courses of study for the following quarter. It is the student’s responsibility to contact their faculty advisor each quarter to schedule this advising meeting. 

Students must have a quarterly advising meeting and provide the advising office (Room 104 of the CCS building or via email) with proof of their faculty advisors approval. 

Students are notified of advising deadlines by email. The deadline to turn in advising slips is typically around the end of pass one. 

Proof of approval includes:

  • a filled out and signed quarterly advising yellow slip or 
  • an email exchange that includes a proposed schedule and written approval by the faculty advisor forwarded to 
  • OR Your advisors also have access to a Yellow Slip google sheet that they can update with their approval and your proposed schedule. 
  • note: if this option is utilized after the advising deadline, it is also best practice to send a quick email that this is completed to expedite the removal of any blocks.

Students who are in their final year of study before graduation will need to complete advising using a comprehensive graduation checklist (faculty advisors have access to this form). This graduation checklist is to be updated each advising meeting and tracks a student’s progress toward graduation and degree completion. 

**Once received, we will remove the block as soon as possible during working hours, so please plan accordingly. For example - if your pass begins Sunday afternoon, and you turned your slip in on Saturday, the block won’t be removed until Monday at the earliest!**

If you plan to graduate in the upcoming 3 quarters:

Please make sure that your faculty advisor is filling out your Senior Advising Sheets saved to Box. If you have any questions about your graduation requirements and are not able to contact your faculty advisor, please request an appointment with the Student Affairs Manager.

You must declare candidacy on GOLD in order for your degree to be finalized and awarded. Step-by-step instructions are posted on the Registrar’s website. The deadline to declare candidacy for a quarter is usually within the first two weeks of that quarter.

Students do not need to be registered in order to declare candidacy. In other words, if a student has completed all their degree requirements, they can declare candidacy on GOLD and choose to cancel or withdraw for their declared quarter.

Crashing Courses

We encourage you to be in touch with the instructor of the class regarding any instructions about crashing classes. Many departments post policies about asking for add codes on their own website as a default recommendation. Many faculty may require you to attend class before asking for an approval code.

Some instructors also include important information about how to request approval codes in their CCS Course Descriptions on our website:

Petitions and Forms

Students are responsible for submitting necessary paperwork

CCS Dean’s Signature

If you need the Dean’s signature for a petition, DO NOT send the petition directly to the Dean. Please send your ready-to-go paperwork to the CCS Staff Advisors for processing. We will present your petition to the Dean for his review, and then process it accordingly.

Graduate Course Petitions

Use this docusign:

You’ll need emails for:

  1. the instructor of the course, and 
  2. the chair of the department of the course is in - it will automatically be routed to all the other necessary people to get processed.

Record Adjustments (Retroactive Adds, Drops, Withdrawals, etc.)

In general, it’s best to contact your Faculty Advisor and a CCS Advisor before initiating this petition. 

For students only enrolled in CCS

For students who are dually enrolled in L&S or Engineering

Independent Study (199's)

Students wishing to complete independent study within CCS should complete one of the below forms via Docusign

CCS independent study can only be completed for a Pass/Not-Passed grade.

All CCS 199- Independent Study/Research and Internships except Art Internships (docusign)

Art Internships (docusign)


Dual College: Adding a Major or Minor

CCS students may pursue multiple majors within CCS or across colleges. If a student pursues two majors that are in different colleges, then they must complete the requirements for both Colleges. Dual college enrollment affects a number of university and college requirements, such as the academic residency requirement and general education (GEs). Students must meet with the advisors of the College corresponding to each of their majors to plan completion of both degrees. Students should first consult their staff advisors if they are interested in pursuing more than one major. 

If students have a second major in the College of Letters & Science or Engineering they must comply with the drop and change of grading option deadlines of that college. These deadlines are different from and earlier than those of CCS, and are found on the Registrar’s website each quarter ( Students also must comply with the unit restrictions of that college.


Change-of-College/Change of Major Process

For students transferring from L&S or CoE, set up an online Change-of-College Meeting:

Nicholas Washington
See Shoreline, or email


Deficit Loads

Deficit course loads (defined as being enrolled in less than 12 units) are approved by petition to the College. Students must supply a reason for the petition, whether it is linked to employment, medical, or family circumstances. The CCS Petition is available on DocuSign and needs to be submitted to the Student Affairs Manager after you confer with your faculty advisor. 

Deficit loads can affect financial aid and visa eligibility, so it is crucial that students connect with the Financial Aid office or OISS as needed before submitting their petition to CCS. International students must submit the OISS Deficit Load petition in conjunction with the CCS petition in order to be approved. See below for detailed instructions.

International Students

Instructions per OISS: 

Academic reduced course load - How to Apply

Meet with a CCS advisor and your Faculty Advisor to determine your eligibility for a reduced course load and the possible impact of part-time enrollment on your program of study. 

  1. Complete the CCS petition, available online here. (DocuSign)
  2. Complete and submit the Academic Reduced Course Load form on the UCSBGlobal platform. 
  3. Make sure to enter your this email so UCSBGlobal will send the CCS Advising Office an email to verify that you are eligible for the Academic Reduced Course Load for one of the valid reasons. They will be able to submit this verification only if you have completed the CCS Deficit Petition.

Once a deficit load is approved by your college, you may apply for a Fee Reduction


Withdrawing from the Current Quarter

  • Withdrawal is the process once the quarter has already begun and fees have been paid. (See “Cancelling a Future Quarter” below if the quarter has NOT yet begun and fees have NOT yet been paid.)
  • Make sure you’re in touch with your faculty advisor about your registration plans.

Information on withdrawal from the University or cancellation of enrollment for an upcoming quarter can be found on the Registrar's web page:

Fee refund information regarding withdrawal is also available on the Registrar's website. The refund percentage decreases as the quarter progresses.


Cancelling a Future Quarter

  • Cancellation can be done by domestic students on GOLD before the quarter begins and before fees are paid. (See “Withdrawing from the Current Quarter” above if the quarter has already begun or if fees have already been paid.)
  • Make sure you’re in touch with your faculty advisor about your registration plans.

The cancellation form is found on GOLD under “Progress” and “Petitions.” Continuing students who cancel and wish to return later must petition for readmission to the University by published deadlines for the returning quarter.

International students

Note: International students and visiting students are not eligible to use the GOLD petition and will need to submit a signed Cancellation of Registration petition to the Office of the Registrar.


Readmission (Returning for a Later Quarter)


Note: When readmission deadlines have passed, late petitions may be submitted, but students may miss the first registration pass time.


Transfer Coursework from Outside UCSB

If you complete coursework outside of UCSB, you will need to submit your transcripts for review and processing to the UCSB Admissions Office. For more information see:

If you are already attending UCSB before you start a course elsewhere, while you can review a course with an Advisor prior to enrolling in a course, the final decision about whether or not the course will transfer into UCSB rests with the Office of Admissions after your official transcript is received and processed. In other words, you cannot have complete assurance that your outside coursework will transfer. Please review the transfer credit guidelines for current students if you are considering taking a course outside of UCSB. The Office of Admissions only determines if a course is transferable to UCSB, but does not determine if a course meets major requirements or GE requirements. Please refer to the CCS advising office for assistance in determining whether a course may meet a specific degree requirement after the Office of Admissions determines transfer eligibility.

While is not an exhaustive list of what may transfer into UCSB, courses marked in as "UC transferable" courses are likely to transfer into UCSB.


Graduation Processing 

When CCS students look at their Major Progress Check (Audit) on GOLD for a CCS degree objective, they will see three fields that are controlled by the College:

  • General Education Requirements
  • Major Requirements
  • CCS Residency Requirement

Don’t Panic if you get a scary email!

When students declare candidacy on GOLD, the Registrar’s Office will send automated emails to notify students if their progress checks on GOLD do not seem cleared with “work in progress.” This notification  is all entirely automated. Because CCS student clearances happen manually once work is finished, all CCS graduates will receive these automated warnings.

Students should check their Progress Check on GOLD to make sure they are meeting the minimum University requirements to graduate (180 units, ELWR, American History, and Ethnicity requirements, and a minimum 2.0 UC GPA.) If the only remaining requirements are the three outlined above, students can contact CCS staff or faculty advisors for any questions about their remaining requirements.


Ordering a Finalized Transcript

Graduates can double check if their official transcript will be considered “finalized” by looking at their unofficial transcript on GOLD. If your degree status says “Awarded,” you can go ahead and order your official transcript for its final destination.

If Parchment gives you issues with ordering your transcript, you can reach out to for help



Resources to help you handle emergencies and other tough situations.

If you or someone you know is in danger or needs immediate help, call 911.

If you have experienced sexual violence, sexual harassment, sex discrimination, or other Title IX-related prohibited behavior, resources are available to you. Please see the Full List of Campus & Community Resources for more information.

Bias Incident Reporting

It is an unfortunate fact that some individuals become targets of hateful acts simply because others are intolerant of differences based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, citizenship status, age, or disability. The Bias Incident Response Team serves at the campus reporting point and can work with the impacted parties in coordinating a response.

Confidential Resources

What does confidential mean? See it outlined here.

  • Counseling and Psychological Services
    CAPS is a confidential service meaning mental health clinicians protect your privacy by not revealing what is talked about in sessions.  All information disclosed within counseling sessions is confidential and may not be released to anyone other than health care providers at CAPS and Student Health Services (SHS)  without your written permission except in certain situations.
  • Office of the Ombuds
    The Office of the Ombuds is a confidential resource for students to discuss any University-related concern. Talking with the ombuds is informal and "off the record," meaning by disclosing something to the office, a student is not officially notifying the University of the issue. The ombuds will listen to concerns, help clarify goals and interests, and help develop options to move forward. The ombuds may also make referrals to different offices on campus, coach a student on how to prepare for a difficult conversation, or help clarify UCSB procedures and policies.
  • Campus, Advocacy, Resources, and Education 
    CARE is the Confidential advocacy and education office for interpersonal violence (sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking). We offer free and confidential services for students, staff, faculty, alumni, community members, and friends/loved ones impacted by interpersonal and gender-based violence and we provide violence prevention education for the entire UCSB campus.

Dean of Student Life Student-Parent Liaison

The Student and Parent Liaison, located in the Dean of Students unit of the Office of Student Life, provides assistance to students and their families in emergencies or in times of crisis. Please contact the Student Parent Liaison by sending an email to or call 805-893-4521

Basic Needs

At UCSB, we know getting connected to the right resources isn't always easy. To help out, the Calfresh Advocates and Basic Needs Peer Advisors are ready to assist you with all aspects of your basic needs, including (but not limited to) food, finances, and housing. Got a question? Just ask an Advocate!

Office of Student Conduct

If you have received a notification from OSC, please follow the instructions denoted in your letter closely in order to schedule a meeting. The Office of Student Conduct is located in the Student Resource Building (SRB), on the second floor. 


Resources available to you (not exhaustive):

Financial Resources (Aid, Scholarships, Fellowships, etc.)

Student Services